Year 9 Options 2024/2025

Welcome to Year 9 Options! 

Dear Parents, Carers and Pupils,

Welcome to Year 9 Options. This is where we start the process of looking at the changes that take place when pupils finish Year 9 and start on their Year 10 pathway.

The most significant change is that pupils will be studying fewer subjects in September, and they will be able to choose some of them. The Options booklet will be launched shortly and will give you more detail on subjects.

This process of reading, reflection and discussion is very important, as we offer a wide range of subjects, including some that were not studied in the curriculum so far. It is therefore essential to take time to understand what each course offers and what is most suitable for each pupil as an individual. In some instances, tutors or other teachers will have specific advice and guidance to offer on what would be most suitable, and pupils should take this into account when completing the options form.

It is important to note, however, that at this stage you are opting for a preference for your choices. We will make every effort to meet these choices. On rare occasions, some options may not recruit a viable group. We will contact you as soon as possible to discuss alternative choices.

On Thursday 7th November 2024 we have the Year 9 Options Carousel event 5-7pm. This is an event held in school where yourself and your child can find out about GCSE subjects, ask questions and hear more about the process.

 On 30th January 2025 we have a Year 9 Progress Evening from 4.00pm -7.00pm. This event will be held in the school hall, and you will be able to meet teachers face to face. 

You will be able to make bookings via the School Cloud on the WEDUC app. This is a great opportunity to speak to teachers about the suitability of your child choosing their subjects to study in Year 10 and 11. You will be able to book appointments with our Careers Advisor if you wish to speak about Post 16 options or careers in general.

Please refer to the letter you received regarding the options process for key dates especially the date of Monday 3rd February, which is the deadline for forms to be submitted.

I look forward to supporting you and your child through the options process.

Esther Parr

Associate Assistant Principal 

Nuneaton Academy