Media Studies

Media Studies

Curriculum Documentation Guidance

Head of Subject: Ben Scoffham

In GCSE Media Studies, we envision a transformative educational experience which equips students with a profound understanding of the dynamic role of media in shaping our society. Our vision is to empower students to become critical thinkers, adept communicators, and responsible citizens in a media-saturated world.

GCSE Media Studies fosters media literacy and promotes active engagement with contemporary issues. We strive to cultivate a learning environment which encourages creativity, curiosity, and a deep appreciation for the diverse forms of media that permeate our daily lives.

Our commitment is to prepare students for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century by providing them with the analytical tools to deconstruct media messages, discern bias, and navigate the complexities of a rapidly evolving media landscape. Through a rich curriculum, we aim to instil in our students the skills to critically evaluate, produce, and participate in various media forms, from traditional to digital platforms.


Course information:

Exam board: Eduqas


Section A

Section B


40% of GCSE

Written Exam

1 hour 30 minutes

80 marks

Media Language and Representation

  • This Girl Can
  • Quality Street
  • No Time to Die
  • Golden Gun
  • GQ
  • Vogue
  • The Sun
  • The Guardian

Media Industry and Audience

  • The Archers (Radio Industry)
  • Fortnite (Gaming Industry)
  • The Sun (Newspaper Industry)
  • No Time to Die (Film Industry)


30% of GCSE

Written Exam

1 hour 30 minutes

60 marks


Crime Drama

(Luther and The Sweeney)

Media Language, Representation, Industry and Audience

Music (Music videos and online media)

Taylor Swift – The Man

Stormzy – Superheroes

Duran Duran – Rio


30% of GCSE


An individual media production for an intended audience in response to a choice of briefs set by

WJEC, applying knowledge and understanding of media language and representation.


Homework will be set weekly. Homework is in the form of independent revision.
Lessons include knowledge retrieval questions to assess prior learning. Lessons involve the active use of mini whiteboards to check for understanding and to provide real time feedback and to deal with misconceptions quickly. Students will complete regular written exam-style questions during the academic year where they will be given teacher feedback on how to improve. Year 10 students will sit a mid-year mock in January and end of year mock exams in the summer term.  Year 11 students will sit mock exams in November and in March.

For further information/clarification about this course please contact Mr Scoffham