Homework and Love of Learning at Nuneaton Academy

Year 10 & 11

Homework should be set weekly for each subject

Year 7 – 9

Homework will be set in Maths, Science, History, Geography and Reading, every week. English and French will be set every 2 weeks

Love of learning tasks will be set in RE, PSHE, Food, Technology, Drama, Music, Art and PE

Homework schedules for Years 7 – 9 are also in this section of the website

Homework/Love of Learning will be set on WEDUC.  Teachers will also inform pupils about the homework during lessons

It should be Retrieval or reading based.

If pupils do not complete homework, teachers will send a message home via WEDUC

Homework at KS3 should take, depending on the task, anything between 15 minutes or 30 minutes per subject per week

In Maths (Sparx), Science & Reading (Reading +), pupils must complete all tasks set each week

Homework Club is in the LRC on:

Mondays - Fridays 8.00a.m. – 8.40a.m.

Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 3.00p.m. – 4.00p.m.

Tuesdays 2.30p.m-3.30p.m.

Stickers will be provided for Homework & Love of Learning

Termly Progress Reports reflect on how well pupils are doing with homework

Homework rewards will be half-termly in an Awards Assembly – nominations from teachers for consistency and outstanding Homework/Love of Learning

Year 7 Homework & Love of Learning Schedule

Year 8 Homework & Love of Learning Schedule

Year 9 Homework & Love of Learning Schedule

Year 7 Homework & Love of Learning Summer 2 - 2023

Year 8 Homework & Love of Learning Summer 2 - 2023

Year 9 Homework & Love of Learning Summer 2 - 2023