We support all key transitions where pupils will need to make decisions about their future. In Year 9 pupils are asked to select subjects for their GCSE’s. We support these decisions by offering careers advice and guidance and information that explains what you will study but importantly what skills for work subjects will develop. When Post 16 plans are being considered we provide both information and the opportunity to attend a careers fair as well as visits to a number of local providers.

Year 9 Option Pathways

We understand that making a decision about which subjects to specialise in during Year 10 and Year 11 can be difficult. During Year 9 pupils will have a series of Careers lessons which will help them explore different careers paths and help them make informed decisions. At the Pathways evening pupils and parents will be able to speak to subject teachers and also to our Careers Advisor who will be able to help with any questions you have. Pupils and parents will also be able to see Local labour Market Information which shows the employment trends within our local area. So when making decisions about the right specialist subject pathways for you, there are some key questions to ask:

Which subjects do you enjoy?

If you are going to spend another two years studying them, it helps if you like them. Bear in mind that what you learn in Year 10 and Year 11 will be different to what you’ve done so far. Read the pages in this booklet carefully to get an idea about the topics you will be studying. Then talk to your teacher if you still aren’t sure.


You might love doing PE, but if you choose to specialise in too many similar subjects, it doesn’t give you as many options post 16. Usually, choosing a balanced mix of subjects is the best way. We help out with some of this by having core subjects, which everyone does, and then specialist subject pathways where we try to give you a good range of choices in each pathway.