Dear Parents and Carers


The next half-term is an important time for your child as they will decide the subjects they will study in years 10 and 11 to gain nationally recognised qualifications.

I want all Year 9 pupils to be able to make informed decisions about their choices of subjects, so there will be various events in the next half-term to help them make these decisions.

Below you will see a timeline of events for the options process. Please save the key dates on the timeline, such as the launch event and the Year 9 Progress Evening. It is important that you are at both of these events.


Options Timeline

Wednesday 31st January  

Year 9 Progress Reports sent to parents via WEDUC 

Monday 19th February 

Year 9 Assembly Launch of the Options Process

Parent Launch of Options process Hall JNE to lead 5.30-7pm

Tuesday 20th February 

Taster Day Assembly.  New subjects present to Year 9.  Whole 40 minutes needed for this assembly 

Wednesday 21st February 

Taster Day forms given out in tutor time.  Completed. Deadline Friday 23rd February 

Friday 23rd February  

Taster Day forms Deadline.  Any pupils forms not completed they will be allocated sessions for that day. 


Thursday 29th February 

Taster Day lessons given to pupils in tutor time. 

Friday 1st March 

Year 9 Taster Day periods 1 and 2 

Thursday 7th March 

Year 9 Progress Evening 4 – 7pm 

Friday 8th March 

Year 9 Option Forms can be handed in to tutors.  No forms accepted before this date. 

Wednesday 13th March 

Year 9 Option Form Deadline 

Any outstanding forms phone calls homemade by tutors 

Friday 3rd May 

Pupils receive their final option choices

It is really important that you attend the Options Launch on Monday 19th February. You will receive a wealth of information about how the process works. You will also have the opportunity to speak with subject leaders about the various GCSE option subjects from 5.30pm. The presentation will start at 6pm with time after the presentation to speak with subject leaders about the various option subjects. Your child does not need to attend this meeting as they will have received much of the same information in their assembly on the same day.  However, please do feel free to bring your child or siblings if you have issues with childcare.

The Year 9 Progress Evening on Thursday 7th March is another important event.  You will be able to speak to staff about your child’s progress but also their suitability for studying subjects in Year 10 and 11. You will also be able to ask questions about the subjects being studied and gain more information to help you and your child make an informed decision about potentially choosing certain subjects. I would encourage that your child does attend this event with you. 

I look forward to seeing you at the events we are holding in school next half-term. I hope over the next half-term your child has the information they need so they can make good decisions about the subjects they are wanting to study in Year 10 and 11.

Joe Newton

Vice Principal