Curriculum End Points (Core PE)

Year 7 – To be able to understand the key concepts involved in a range of multiple sports and embed fundamental skills for each sport. A basic level of knowledge is too applied across a range of sporting strands (Invasion, Net & Wall, Creative, Fitness, Athletics, and Striking & Fielding) with an aim to increase physical activity & leadership in pupils’ everyday lives. Pupils will know the rules and scoring systems across all sports delivered.

Year 8 – To be able to show progression on fundamental skills across multiple sports and develop techniques further through application within small sided/competitive environments. An intermediate level of knowledge to be applied across a range of sporting strands (Invasion, Net & Wall, Creative, Fitness, Athletics, and Striking & Fielding) with an aim to increase physical activity & leadership in pupils’ everyday lives.

Year 9 – To be able to sustain and demonstrate good level of skills across multiple sports and develop advanced techniques. An advanced level of knowledge to be applied across range of sporting strands (Invasion, Net & Wall, Creative, Fitness, Athletics, and Striking & Fielding) with an aim to increase physical activity & leadership in pupils’ everyday lives. Pupils will learn and apply tactics and strategies to outwit opponents in competitive environments.


Net & Wall


Fitness & Games


Striking & Fielding







Table Tennis


Fitness testing

Methods of training

Components of fitness

Leadership through fitness

Game-based fitness




4x100m relay

Shot Put



High jump



Curriculum Content:



Fit for Life - The ‘Fit for Life’ area within our PE curriculum is designed to promote lifelong knowledge around physical activity, health, and wellness. This comprehensive assessment aligns with the educational objectives of our school, focusing not only on physical fitness but also on the development of healthy habits and a sustainable, active lifestyles.

Pupils are provided with a knowledge organiser which includes a variety of different PE theoretical knowledge that pupils are required to learn at home. This knowledge will be also linked with the physical part of the PE curriculum so it is important that pupils take the time to complete their homework to improve their PE knowledge.


At Nuneaton Academy, pupils are assessed within three different areas that look at the pupil’s holistic development within physical education providing a clear outlook of the pupils’ overall profile within PE and Sport. The expectation is that assessment of pupils’ learning and progression within this PE curriculum will predominantly be undertaken in a practical setting. The vast majority of the assessment will take place through teacher observation and constant use of teacher and peer feedback. Assessment moderation will take place throughout the academic year to ensure to teachers are assessment correctly and accurately.

Teachers will assess pupils by scoring (1-9) them using the assessment criteria within on the three strands below:

  • ‘Fit to perform’ – This is category will look at the pupil’s physical abilities within sport and assess their ability to perform and apply key skills and tactics in specific sporting contexts.
  • ‘Fit to lead’ – This category looks into a pupils ability to show leadership skills which includes assessing their communication, confidence and reflection within different sporting environments.
  • ‘Fit for life’ – This category looks into a pupils knowledge of how to live a healthy lifestyle and have the ability to apply that knowledge to physical activity and day to day life.

Nuneaton Academy’s PE assessment criteria has been developed using United Learning’s PE and Health curriculum and adapting the recommended guidance on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to suit and reflect our school PE curriculum and culture.

Pupil assessment will be an ongoing and live process and will be reported mid-year and end of year to mirror the schools data reporting schedule. Teachers are expected to update live spreadsheet for their classes regularly throughout the year to ensure assessment data is up to date and reflects current pupil development in PE.

Each strand will carry is own individual weighting which will contribute to an overall score for each pupil. To ensure the assessment weighting reflects to require of PE, the ‘Fit to Perform’ will be weighted the highest to ensure the focus of physical development remains highest priority.