Brief overview what pupils will be studying?

The BTEC Tech Award in Music Practice allows pupils to develop as performers, producers and composers of music.  They deepen their knowledge of a range of styles and musical theory and apply these when creating musical products or fulfilling commercial style music briefs.  Pupils reflect on and apply a range of professional skills used in the music industry and more widely in other careers.

How will they be assessed? 





Component 1: Exploring Music Products and Styles

Task A: Create a blog to demonstrate understanding of different styles of music

Task B: Create three short musical products in response to a brief

Non-exam internal assessment carried out over at least 12 hours


Component 2: Music Skills Development

Pupils analyse their progress as musicians and use this to set targets and create a development plan to improve their musical skills, whilst creating two musical products in response to a brief.  Pupils develop their skills in two areas out of:

  • Performance
  • Production
  • Composition

Non-exam internal assessment carried out over at least 15 hours



Component 3: Responding to a music brief

Pupils respond to a brief by creating a cover version of a song from a given list in a given style of music.  They can do this as creators and performers or as creators and producers.

Non-exam external assessment including 4 hours preparation, 3 hours formal supervision and 16 hours informal supervision




Weekly homework including research and listening tasks as well as individual rehearsal or music production development work.



For more information, please contact