Key Stage 3 French introduces students to a wide range of different contexts, most of which involve studying familiar settings, that ensure that they get the chance to hone their communication and receptive skills.  Students focus on becoming strong communicators and build their confidence in both conveying information and understanding the spoken and written language.

Course information:

Year 7:
Students begin their French learning journey at Nuneaton Academy by concentrating on the basics of the language.  Specifically, this includes learning how to pronounce French sounds, with a strong focus on phonics.  Students learn to introduce themselves and describe their interests and their family.  They are encouraged to give their opinions and listen to others to pick out key and familiar vocabulary and structures.  Students also learn to discuss familiar topics such as what they like to do with their friends, their life at school and where they live.    Students begin to be able to communicate in three time frames.
Year 8:
Year 8 begins with students discussing their holidays using three time frames, building on the foundations they acquired in year 7.  Familiar vocabulary, such as family members and activities, are revised and built upon within the new context of holidays.  Students begin to use more complex structures in order to express a wider variety of activities, including their daily routine.  Students participate in role plays in which they practise their spoken language.  Students describe their opinions of school subjects and their ambitions for the future.
Year 9:
In Year 9 students develop their confidence in communicating in three time frames, beginning with discussing their ideal partners and plans for their personal futures.  There is a strong focus on the French-speaking world, with students zooming in on one country and town and exploring differences between our own culture and that of the foreign country.  We recognise and discuss different celebrations in our country and those in French-speaking countries around the world.  More complexity of vocabulary and structures are used to allow students to become more competent and sophisticated linguists.

Homework is not currently set in key stage three.

Lessons include knowledge retrieval questions to assess prior learning. Lessons involve the active use of mini whiteboards to check for understanding and to provide real time feedback and to deal with misconceptions quickly.  Students complete alternating skill assessments (reading and writing, speaking and listening) to ensure that their ability in all four skills improves over time.

For further information/clarification about KS3 French please contact Mr D Perera.